Summer School Schedule

On the first day, Wednesday, June 20:

8:15 Registration

8:45 Welcome Session

9:00 Tutorial 1 ...

Here is a copy in the PNG format.

  DAY 1 (Wednesday, June 20) DAY 2 (Thursday, June 21) DAY 3 (Friday, June 22)  
  room: Galaxy 1+2 room: Galaxy 1+2 room: Galaxy 1+2 room: Romantika  
08:15 Registration and Welcome       08:30
09:00 Tutorial 1: Raoul Velazco
Effects of radiation in integrated circuits: origins, mitigation techniques, tests and real-life experiments
Tutorial 5: Maria K. Michael
Resilient Multicore Systems using Software-Based Self-Test
Tutorial 7: Maximilien Glorieux
Transient Faults Analysis Management for High-Reliability Applications
09:30 09:30
10:00 10:00
10:30 Coffee Coffee /
PhD Forum: Session B
Coffee /
PhD Forum: Session C
11:00 Tutorial 2: Paolo Rech
Guidelines for the Radiation Test of Electronic Devices and Systems
11:30 Tutorial 6: Artur Jutman
On-Chip Health Monitoring and Fault Management for Self-Health-Aware SoCs
Tutorial 8: Anton Klotz
10 years Cadence Academic Network: a successful industry-academia partnership
12:00 12:00
12:30 Lunch Lunch 12:30
13:00 Lunch 13:00
13:30 Tutorial 3: Fabian Vargas
Combined Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Electromagnetic Interference
Tutorial 9: Victor Champac
Design & Test Challenges in FinFET Based Circuits
RESCUE project Management Committee Meeting 13:30
14:00 Social Event
Networking Activities
(out of Tallinn)
14:30 14:30
15:00 Coffee /
PhD Forum: Session A
Coffee 15:00
15:30 Soft-Skills Tutorial:
Maarja Kruusmaa
Ethical Writing: A Crash Course for PhDs
16:00 Tutorial 4: Zainalabedin Navabi
System Level Design Space Exploration for Reliability and Efficiency in Design of Abstract Communications
16:30 16:30
17:00 Closing 17:00
17:30 Free time Farewell, Networking, Departure… 17:30
18:00 Welcome Reception
(around the venue)